Customized Workshops to Help Your Audit or Compliance Team
Write Clear, Impactful Reports

Simplify your reports. Connect with Readers. Make a Difference.

In-Person and Virtual Workshops Available

Report writing made easier!

Know you're doing it right!

Get expert feedback and needed tools to write clear, impactful reports.

Save time and frustration.

Unify your team. Reduce back-and-forth edits, rewrites, and revisions.

See immediate

See real-time writing improvement. Watch everyone's confidence soar!


Is writing the report a struggle? 

Is developing the audit observation difficult for you?

Are you unsure of how much detail to include?

Is your writing wordy, unclear, or disjointed?

Would you like to reduce the edits and revisions to your writing?

Is editing your team's writing frustrating and time-consuming?

Are you struggling to issue the report on time?

Does the report-writing process make your brain hurt?

Schedule a Call
“Margie is one of the most dynamic trainers and speakers I have met in my 40-year internal auditing career.”

Richard Chambers, President and CEO
The Institute of Internal Auditors

With private workshops you get:

Tailored training that meets your department's specific objectives.

Customized materials that include your department's actual reports, templates, and guidelines.

Writing exercises based on current audits.

Expert feedback and coaching.

Travel savings.

Post-training follow-up.

Schedule a Call

Report-Writing Workshops

Mastering the Essentials of Audit Report Writing

  • Write compelling reports that engage your readers.
  • Meet your readers' needs for report content, structure, and readability.
  • Follow a disciplined approach for developing each audit observation.
  • Identify root causes and recommend appropriate solutions.
  • Engage in writing exercises that result in real-time improvement.

How to Write Clearly and Concisely

  • Eliminate ambiguity and confusion in your writing.
  • Use precise, direct wording.
  • Learn how active and passive voice impacts clarity.
  • Remove jargon, pompous words, and wordy phrases.
  • Engage in writing exercises that result in real-time improvement.

Editing with Ease

  • Reduce edits, rewrites, and revisions.
  • Edit others' writing using an approach that encourages learning and pride of authorship.
  • Master the techniques of professional writers to improve report readability.
  • Practice editing reports and writing samples.

How to Write Persuasive Executive Summaries

  • Write to capture the executive’s attention.
  • Create a five-point message.
  • Use wording that is clear, direct, and strategic.
  • Practice writing an executive summary.

Writing Effective Policies and Procedures

  • Write P&P's that employees read and operationalize.
  • Delineate policies from procedures.
  • Create clear lines of responsibility.
  • Write clearly and concisely.
  • Rewrite sections from your organization's P&P's.

Working with Margie is easy. 

In-person and virtual training available


She'll learn about your team's training needs, challenges, and goals.



She'll customize a workshop to meet your team's learning objectives.


 She'll deliver the training at your location and on your schedule. 


She'll provide post-workshop support to maximize learning. 

Why Margie Bastolla Facilitations?

My name is Margie Bastolla and I help internal audit and compliance departments write clear, impactful reports, reduce revisions and rewrites, and quicken report issuance. I've trained hundreds of organizations around the world on everything from report-writing and leadership skills to risk-based and performance auditing. Furthermore, I wrote the 2023 book Clarity, Impact, Speed: Delivering Audit Reports that Matter, 2nd edition, published by The Institute of InternalAuditors (IIA). Before forming my training company, I spent 20 years as an executive and leader at The IIA. Thus, I know and LOVE auditors!

Head shot of Margie Bastolla.

What people are saying...

Photo of Carman LaPointe.

“I just received the first report following Margie’s training and the team is already
applying the report-writing principles!”

Mike Stent, Chief Audit Executive, Zebra Technologies
Photo of Carman LaPointe.

"Margie's workshops have re-energized and focused my team. They have grown tremendously in report-writing confidence and skill...and their reports prove it!"

Carman Lapointe, Former Chief Audit Executive, the United Nations
Photo of Florina Dekalo.

After working with Margie, the internal audit teams at all thirteen UT institutions know what it takes to develop a great report.  Everyone’s on the same page now, which makes our reports more consistent and their development much easier.

J. Michael Peppers, Chief Audit Executive, University of Texas System

Be your client's most trusted advisor.

Simplify your

Clarify your message and cut the clutter!

Connect with

Communicate what readers value, expect, and need to know.

Make a

Create pertinent, persuasive content that compels action. 

Wasted time.  Numerous revisions. Mounting frustration.

You deserve better!

Schedule a Call today

Free Download: 
"7 Deadly Audit Report Mistakes"

Do clients and stakeholders meet your reports with pushback or disinterest?
If yes, this download is for you!